“To the makers of music – all worlds, all times” A Primer on Pictorial Composition. (Part II)

Note: It is highly recommended that you read So What’s With Jane already? A Primer on Pictorial Composition. (Part I) before embarking on this installment. “One does not meet oneself until one catches the reflection from an eye other than human.” –­Loren Eiseley Dr. Sagan responded to this challenge by assembling a team to create… Continue reading

Charcoal/Pastel vs. Graphite as a Precursor to Oil Painting.

I would like to make clear that the comparisons presented here are limited to the pencil forms of both compressed charcoal and graphite. I am not taking into account powdered graphite/charcoal, charcoal or graphite mixed with alcohol, or any other significantly less-common (in modern day atelier training) application of either material. Additionally, this comparison is… Continue reading

Regarding Accuracy…

“It is this difference between scientific accuracy and artistic accuracy that puzzles so many people. Science demands that phenomena be observed with the unemotional accuracy of a weighing machine, while artistic accuracy demands that things be observed by a sentient individual recording the sensations produced in him by the phenomena of life.” –Harold Speed, The… Continue reading

Automatcity and Visual Art Skill Development (VIDEO)

A significant issue that continues to plague the growth and development of quality arts education is the deficit of quantifiable learning objectives and effective outcome assessment. With increasingly vague parameters and seemingly elusive learning objectives, art programs continue to rely on problematic assertions of collateral contribution to justify their existence. In 2007 the New York… Continue reading

Regarding Edges…

Now, if we are speaking of strict observational replication, we do not need to conflate our process with anything more elaborate than standard “ground-level” classifications of visual elements. Let’s take value for example. If my goal is limited to the strict replication of a spherical model, my aim is to apply and arrange values in… Continue reading